

Like the previous installments in the series, Strive is a classic 2D fighting game where two protagonists fight each other in a variety of arenas.&nbs... 더 보기
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유사 상품

상품 설명

Like the previous installments in the series, Strive is a classic 2D fighting game where two protagonists fight each other in a variety of arenas. Unlike other fighting games such as Tekken or Street FighterGuilty Gear focuses heavily on aerial combat. Each hero has access to a special attack that knocks enemies off the ground, allowing them to perform long aerial combos.

During fights we have to watch our health gauge and tension gauge. It recharges when we play aggressively, attack an opponent or get close to him. Gained tension we can spend on more powerful attacks or Roman Cancel. This technique allows us to temporarily slow down time and forcibly return our hero to his default stance. Roman Cancel can be used offensively to prolong our combos or defensively to interrupt our enemy's combos. In emergency situations we have access to Psych Burst, which is a technique that pushes the enemy away from us. However, we can use it only once in a while.

New in the series are dynamic arenas, reminiscent of those in the Dead or Alive series. When we manage to push the opponent to the end of the arena, further attacks can pierce him through an invisible wall at the edge of the stage. The fight then moves to another location.

The basic version of the game features fifteen playable heroes that differ in their style of gameplay. Some are balanced, some are adapted for ranged combat, and some focus on powerful grappling. Additional heroes are available for purchase in season passes.

Minimal requirements::

Processor: Intel Core i5-3450 3.1 GHz
Graphics:  GeForce GTX 650 Ti
Disk space: 20GB
